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A meeting with DSE and European Fund Managers and Custodian Bank

A meeting with DSE and European Fund Managers and Custodian Bank

A meeting with European Fund Managers and Custodian Bank was held at Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited on Wednesday, June 14, 2023 to discuss about the investment opportunities in the Capital Market of Bangladesh. The delegates expressed their keen interest to invest in the capital market of Bangladesh specially in Debt Securities and Equity Market including Primary Market. They were also interested to understand about tax regime, fund inflow and outflow process of Foreign Investors in Bangladesh as well as relevant rules and regulations. A brief presentation was delivered before the foreign delegates about the Bangladesh Capital Market ecosystem and investment process. Mr. M. Shaifur Rahman Mazumdar, FCA, FCMA, Managing Director (acting), DSE assured that DSE is always ready to extend any sorts of support regarding investment in the capital market of Bangladesh. The following persons were present in the meeting:

Foreign delegates:

1.       Mr. Christian Mejrup, Deputy CIO, EM Sovereign Debt, Global Evolution, Denmark

2.       Ms. Ulla Huotari, Portfolio Manager, Emerging Market Debt, Aktia Bank Plc

3.       Mr. Thivanka Atukorala, CFA, Vice President, Head of Frontier Markets Rates Trading Asia-Pacific, Citi N. A. Sri Lanka,


1.       Naim Khalid, AVP, Markets and Securities Services, Citi N. A., Bangladesh

DSE Officials:

1.       M. Shaifur Rahman Mazumdar, FCA, FCMA, Managing Director (acting), DSE

2.       Khairul Bashar Abu Taher Mohammed, CRO, DSE

3.       A.G.M Sattique Ahmed Shah, CFO, DSE

4.       Md. Samiul Islam, Sr. GM, DSE

5.       Mohammad Asadur Rahman, FCS, Sr. GM, DSE

6.       Saied Mahmud Zubayer, DGM, DSE

7.       Md. Shafiqul Islam Bhuiyan, ACS, DGM, DSE

8.       Kamrun Nahar, AGM, DSE

9.       Israt Jahan, Sr. Manager